Backpacking Interest Group (BIG) for Cadette and older Girl Scouts in the Northern California Council

Calling all GS Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors
Love hiking and camping and want something more challenging?

Try backpacking with other Girl Scouts! You'll learn new outdoor and team skills, meet girls with interests like yours, and enjoy the beauty of the out of doors.

BIG welcomes both independent scouts or members of a regular troop. If you are not a girl scout, just join Girl Scout as an independant Juliette and get on trail with us.

Members need not attend all events: once you're trained (attend one evening training and then attend a Beginner trip) you can go on as many trips as you want. Girls should be capable of carrying a backpack and hiking 3-5 miles for the beginner trips

Schedule 2024-25 season (Tentative WIP)

Look where we have been

Resources for Leaders
For sign-up information, or to be added to our email list, email us at